Auto World and MECC Foundation conduct golf tournament to benefit scholarship program at MECC
The Mountain Empire Community College Foundation and Auto World of Big Stone Gap will conduct the Auto World – MECC Golf Classic on Friday, April 28th at Lonesome Pine Country Club to benefit scholarships at MECC.
Registration for the captain’s choice tournament begins at 8 a.m., with a shotgun start at 9:15 a.m. The tournament will feature two flights and will have “most accurate drive” and “closest to the pin” prizes, as well as chipping and putting contests. Mulligan packages will be available for $10 each.
All players hitting a hole-in-one on hole #10 will win a 2017 Jeep Cherokee sponsored by Auto World of Big Stone Gap. There is also a prize of $1,000 for hitting to within 12 inches of the pin on hole #10. If more than one player accomplishes this feat, they will divide the prize money.
Following the tournament, there will be a cocktail reception featuring delicious heavy hors d’oeuvres. During that time, golfers may bid on some great items during the live auction. There will also be a silent auction which will be ongoing throughout the event.
The entry fee of $100 per person includes a continental breakfast, golf shirt, cart and green fees, post-tournament reception, most accurate drive and closest to the pin contests.
Tournament Sponsorships are available at three levels – Bronze, Silver, and Gold for financial support in the amounts of $500, $1,000, and $1,500 respectively. All tournament sponsors will receive a complimentary team and will be recognized during the tournament welcome and in the printed materials for the tournament.
Hole sponsorships are available for a $100 gift to the MECC Foundation. Hole sponsors will be recognized in the golf tournament program and by signs erected on the golf course.
Individuals or businesses who would like to sponsor the tournament in any way, provide an item for the auction, or provide a door prize may contact Jeri Bledsoe, Tournament Coordinator, by e-mail at, or by telephone at 276-523-2400, extension 287.
Registrations may also be faxed to 276-523-7485, e-mailed to Jeri Bledsoe at, or called in to Jeri at 276-523-2400, extension 287. For questions, please contact Jeri at the previously mentioned telephone number or e-mail address.
All proceeds from the event will benefit scholarships for Mountain Empire Community College students. Registration Form